Snowlinux 2 "Ice" LXDE released!
The team is proud to announce the release of Snowlinux 2 "Ice" LXDE.
Snowlinux 2 LXDE
New features:
- Snowlinux-Metal-Theme
- Snowlinux-Metal-Icons
- Improved installer (keyboard variants, UUID in fstab)
- Printkey taking screenshots
- Firewall
- Apturl
- Terminal colors
- OpenJDK 6 Java
- Updated software and packages
- Better software selection
- Improved speed and response
- New look and feel
- System improvements
Changes since RC:
- A white Snowflake instead of a black Snowflake.
Upstream information:
Snowlinux 2 "Ice" XFCE is based upon Linux Debian 6 "Squeeze" Stable. It comes with the long-term-support (LTS) Linux kernel 2.6.32 and LXDE 0.5.0 which were made available upstream. It has installed chromium-browser, icedove, banshee and shotwell by default.
Life cycle:
Snowlinux 2 is supported until Februar 2014.
Compatibility with Debian:
Snowlinux is 100 % compatible with Debian's Repository.
System requirements:
- x86-CPU
- 256 MB memory
- 2 GB free disk space
- Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
- CD-ROM drive or USB port
32-bit: 15315772e0b68c6bea8ead3acc460582
We are looking forward to your comment on this release. Thank you for using Snowlinux and enjoy this new release.
Snowlinux 2 "Ice" XFCE RC1 released!
The team is proud to announce the release of Snowlinux 2 "Ice" XFCE RC.
Snowlinux 2 XFCE
New features:
- Snowlinux-Metal-Theme
- Snowlinux-Metal-Icons
- Improved installer (keyboard variants, UUID in fstab)
- Firewall
- Apturl
- Terminal colors
- OpenJDK 6 Java
- Updated software and packages
- Better software selection
- Improved speed and response
- New look and feel
- System improvements
System requirements:
- x86-CPU
- 256 MB memory
- 2 GB free disk space
- Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
- CD-ROM drive or USB port
32-bit: 8df24a09c5d1f27d1f21e101fcdb96c3
64-bit: 21c5dd73c52f2b6f73c1b27af20dff53
We are looking forward to your comment on this RC. Thank you for using Snowlinux and enjoy this new release.