Snowlinux 2 "Ice" RC released!
The team is proud to announce the release of Snowlinux 2 "Ice" RC.
Snowlinux 2 Ice
Due drastic changes with Gnome 3 and Unity, Snowlinux is keeping Gnome 2. Snowlinux 2 "Ice" comes with the GTK theme Snowlinux-Metal-Theme, the Icon set was set to Snowlinux-Metal-Theme-Icons and the system font is "Ubuntu" by default. Also present in this edition is an improved live-installer which detects country, offers keyboard variants and uses UUID in fstab. It has installed a firewall called gufw. Apturl was ported from Ubuntu to Debian and it was made functional. To improve the difference between user and root terminal the terminal colors were introduced. To be more out-of-the-box OpenJDK 6 Java has been made availble in the default installation. Snowlinux 2 "Ice" comes with chromium-browser, icedove, rhythmbox, shotwell.
New features:
- Improved installer (keyboard variants, UUID in fstab)
- contrib, non-free, debian-multimedia repository
- Firewall
- Apturl
- Terminal colors
- Open as administrator
- Open in terminal
- OpenJDK 6 Java
- Updated software and packages
- Better software selection
- Improved speed and response
- New look and feel
- System improvements
Upstream information:
Snowlinux 2 "Ice" is based upon Linux Debian 6 "Squeeze" Stable. It comes with the long-term-support (LTS) Linux kernel 2.6.32 and Gnnome 2.30 which were made available upstream. It has installed chromium-browser, icedove, rhythmbox and shotwell by default.
Life cycle:
Snowlinux 2 is supported until Februar 2014.
Compatibility with Debian:
Snowlinux is 100 % compatible with Debian's Repository.
System requirements:
- x86-CPU
- 256 MB memory
- 2 GB free disk space
- Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
- CD-ROM drive or USB port
32-bi: ca78a651791a37339ea36ade03d590ab
64-bit: 47fc662a49173ec0d168ae0e0ab32ec1
We are looking forward to your comment on this RC. Thank you for using Snowlinux and enjoy this new release.